Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ambassadors Share their Favorite Dairy Farm Memories!

Ambassador Maggie shares her favorite dairy farm memory for June Dairy Month:
In my younger years when I would get done with kindergarten I would go down to the barn and wait for dad to finish milking and of course I was tired from a hard day of work at kindergarten. I fell asleep in the cow towel box multiple times and got a good hour or two nap in before dad got done with milking:)

Ambassador Angela shares her favorite dairy farm memory:
When I was about four or five years old, my younger brother and I went to help my dad feed the cows. He opened the gate and told us to stand guard so none of the cows would escape while he gathered the feed. At first we made growling noises at the cows, but like all animals, their curiosity kicked in; they started to walk toward us. My brother and I tried to be brave little farmers, but after a few seconds we made a run for it. My dad came back with a load full of feed, but the cows, along with his little helpers, were gone! He was able to round up the cows. A few minutes later my dad found us hiding in the tractor, watching the whole thing!

Ambassador Molly shares her favorite dairy farm memory:
I was about four years old and had just walked into our calf barn. It was summer, so I was wearing sandals. But these were not just any sandals; they were my favorite jelly sandals! I walked in and tried to walk as carefully as I could across the gutter. I made it into the barn and looked at the calves and kittens that were also in there. However, coming out I wasn't so lucky. I slipped into the gutter and got my jelly shoes all dirty! My mom helped me to wash them off at a nearby hydrant, since I was crying and couldn't do it myself.

Ambassador Mary shares her favorite dairy farm memory:
 I don't really have exact favorite memories- i just love all of it. I have a passion for showing cows because I have soo much fun with it every year. I learned so many things at the State Fair last year with my cow. Also, my little cousin MaKenna has been coming here the last 2 years and leasing calves to show at Dairy Days, the show in New Ulm, in June. It is so fun to see how she improves with her calf, as well as seeing her grow in a passion for the dairy industry!She actually did a report on showing calves for school. I loved watching her grow in her respect for the dairy industry.

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