Monday, August 2, 2010

Catherine Haala, 1974

Catherine Haala, 1974

Parents: Dorothy and Delmar Haala, Sleepy Eye
Currently:  New York City, NY
In addition to serving as a Brown County Dairy Princess, Cathy also was a Region 1st Runner Up (attendant) to Mary Eva Fischer (Region Princess that year). Cathy exclaims, “My favorite memory without question is the story of going to the regional contest with my friend Mary Eva Fisher! She was the queen and I was the first runner up! I had to ride home in the same car as Mary Eva, knowing that she got to go to the state fair and have her head carved out of butter. arrrrgh! Over the years, I have told the story many times over and probably enhanced it a bit! In any case, people have always gotten such a kick out of it! It's gonna continue to travel through life with me and entertain many more people! Sooooooo jealous! ***I also enjoyed handing out ribbons at the county fair too! My first kiss ever, was near the cattle barns at the Brown County Fair! that a scandal???” Cathy lives in New York City. She works with CESD agency doing commercial print, TV commercial acting, as well as back round work for film and TV Partner at Lansky's restaurant. She is the Founder/President of The World is Our Neighborhood ( a 501 3 C working with the poor, elderly, mentally and physically disabled. TWION specializes in the relocation of fully functioning rooms of used medical equipment, supplies and furnishings to poor countries. “We help to create or upgrade the level of care in clinics, health centers, schools and redo portions of institutes. I have 3 US patents for Cross Check Identification System International an International Security System which I applied for, shortly after 9-11.

I enjoy time with family and friends, biking, playing softball, golf, playing guitar, singing & songwriting, work, animals and TWION.” When asked about how our jet setting Cathy promotes dairy yet, she explains, “I do promote the dairy industry now. A few years ago, I even had my brother Jerry write a nutrition plan for dairy farmers just outside of Cajamarca, Peru. They don't bring their cows into a barn to be milked. They milk them on the mountainside where the cattle graze and then take their milk to the roadside where it is collected! I tell many people stories of growing up on a dairy farm! My sister and I used to use the cattle watering tank to swim in, as a fish tank for bull heads, and to cool our milk in until the milk truck came! I enjoy drinking and eating dairy products...especially cheese and certainly ice cream!” To current princesses, Cathy advises: “Live, Love, Laugh, Forgive, Believe, Create, You have limitless potential. Learn from the past and move forward letting go of any negativity. You always have the choice to choose positives over negatives. Eject anything that does not move you, those you love and the world toward our highest good, greatest joy & a better world!”

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