The first Brown County Dairy Princess Judy Kettner is seated front row, center. To the right of her is Ralph Stadick, the first princess coordinator in the county. Local dairy farmer Floyd Marti (age 16) is in the back row, third from the right.
In 1960 Brown County honored it's very first dairy princess, starting what has become a 50 year tradition, giving tribute to daughters of area dairy farmers that were interested in promoting the products, the animals, the farmers and the lifestyle. The young woman crowned in 1960 was Judy Kettner of Springfield. Her role was to ride in area parades and present awards at the regional dairy banquet. Judy was also a canidate for region dairy princess, being awarded the honor of South Central Dairy Day attendant. Though Judy's role was limited as princess, she was a spokeperson for the dairy industry, laying the foundation for the dairy princesses to come. We have learned that early princesses were mostly used for formal public appearances, but as years passeed the role of the county dairy princess expanded to include other education roles for comsumers of all ages.
The above photo is from a New Ulm Journal article, Novemeber of 1960. These are the award winners from the county Dairy Incentive Committee. 4-Her's were honored for total pounds of butterfat that each cow milked that were included in their dairy project. Today awards go to 4-Her's based on total milk pounds produced, as well as butterfat, protein and milk quality (Somatic Cell Count).
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